
10 Things to Look For in an SEO Company


How Status Labs Shows the 10 Features of a Top-Notch SEO Company

Finding a good SEO company can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know what you need to be looking for. Any good business in this field will have certain strong fundamentals. We can look to model firms, like Status Labs, to get a better idea of what to expect.

We can split the features that we are going to cover into three main categories: focus on you, focus on data, and focus on users. We will look at each one in turn. These could differ in importance based on your needs, but some form of each should be present.

Focus on You

  1. Integration With Your Brand

When you hire an SEO company, they do not start from scratch. You will have an established brand and practices. Status Labs prioritizes helping you maximize your brand, which is one of the things that separates this company from the crowd.

  1. Leveraging Your Strengths

One of the first steps will be to assess your strengths and weaknesses. The things that you do well should be a key piece in an optimization strategy because it saves everyone time, energy, and money.

  1. Diminishing Your Weaknesses

Whatever your weaknesses are, they should be reduced by a good SEO strategy. Knowing what they are and finding ways to end, diminish, or avoid them is a sign that your SEO firm is building something that suits you.

Focus on Data

  1. Finding Out What Works and What Doesn’t

Data is one of the most significant aspects of SEO. Good firms will keep a close eye on what is and is not working for your business and will not waste resources pursuing unsuccessful projects.

  1. Making Everything Mobile Compatible

Mobile phones dominate an ever-increasing share of internet use, so it is critical to have a plan that incorporates this trend. Mobile platforms will require slightly different methods of optimization and formatting for content, and SEO companies should be able to accommodate this need.

  1. Knowing That Social Media Matters

Social media platforms can generate an enormous amount of traffic to your website or app. Knowing how to get the most likes, favorites, views, and clicks can change your business from marginal to wildly successful. No SEO business worth its salt will ignore social media.

  1. Deciding on the Right Keywords for You

Market research is indispensable for an SEO strategy. Part of what good research will reveal is which words people interested in businesses like yours search. Status Labs lists this first on its list of best practices for an SEO firm.

Focus on Users

  1. Knowing the User

Who is using your product? That question will guide almost all of the decisions that any decent SEO company makes about your strategy. It will change how things are designed and what content is drafted.

  1. Experience First

Bad interactions can overwhelm and frustrate people who are using your product. Positive interactions translate to sales, so designing your user interface so that a person enjoys using it, or at least can use it easily, will be a massive boost.

  1. Making Everything Digestible

Last but not least, a good SEO company will produce content that is not hard to understand. Everything a customer sees, from the design of a website page to a paragraph of text, should be easily taken in and processed. If your chosen SEO company seems to be producing things that are difficult to understand and that your customer just will not “get,” then you probably made the wrong choice.

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