
Tips For Nailing a Client Presentation


Have you finally landing an appointment to present your company’s product to one of the biggest fish in the industry? Congratulations. The hard work is about to begin. As you well know, anything that’s worth having requires plenty of hard, smart work. Roll your sleeves up and get started. Follow these recommendations from the experts and you’ll be on the way to landing the account in no time.

Determine your team members for the presentation and research and dedicate time to build your presentation well before the scheduled event. Practice makes perfect.  Decide what problem the prospect has and how you will present a custom tailored solution. You’ll have subjective and objective buyers at the table, so be sure to appeal to both. Allow adequate time for industry research and couple that with the features and benefits of your product and how your prospect could increase their business by using your product. Successful presentations are always broken down into simple, digestible parts. Do not subject your prospect to death by Powerpoint. If a slide doesn’t add explicit value, get rid of it. Rehearse your presentation in front of team members and if time allows, bring in others from the firm to listen and then engage in constructive criticism.

Look the part. Dress for success. That means losing the bling and bohemian hairstyles and excess makeup. The most important thing you can wear to a presentation is a genuine smile and quiet self-confidence. Knowing your client’s needs and your own subject matter will give you that confidence. On the day prior to the presentation, confirm your appointment time, location and number of participants with the prospect.  Use on of your money savings Groupon coupons and pre-order an  uber to arrive at your pickup location at least one hour prior to the meeting time. Allow yourself and your party at least 30 minutes of fudge time should there be an accident or excessive traffic. Good luck to you – your preparation will certainly pay off!


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