
Why Focus on Selling High Ticket to Clients?


In today’s digital marketing age, people come across two types of client profiles: individuals who are considered low risk – low reward and will generate low-ticket sales, and individuals who are regarded as a high risk-high reward and can yield high-ticket sales.

These customers are willing to spend a lot of money on services, and they can help digital agencies step out of the red line or survival mode. While sustainable business models usually include low-ticket sales, most of these things can slow down the company’s growth. When working with potential customers on tight budgets, businesses would need to pick up more firms and strategize on sales to make worthwhile Returns on Investments. In the long run, it can add to their acquisition costs.

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High-ticket sales

An excellent example of a high-ticket sale is marketed for airline deals to vacation destinations like Hawaii with a one-night high-end hotel stay. Contrast that with low-ticket deals examples such as marketing silicon-based smartphone covers.

What is the difference?

It is a lot easier to sell common mobile phone covers compared to tickets to a Hawaii vacation. Additionally, people will have to sell tons of covers to match the revenue from selling one product. It means they get a higher reward from one high-ticket sale.

The right deals are usually more targeted. It takes more effort and time to grow the number of high-value customers. On the other hand, low-ticket ones are mass-targeted and usually triggered through specific months or seasonal sales. So why would people be targeting the expensive ones? Let us take a closer look at some of its benefits.

Effectively landing high-ticket sales

When people are targeting clients from this niche, it is best not to go in for direct deals. The last thing everyone wants are sneaky salespeople in online groups spamming their members to purchase subscriptions. Businesses should find communities or groups that their target market regularly visits and raise awareness about what they do while adding more value to their conversations.

Want to know more about the subscription industry? Click for details.

Description: How to Increase Ticket Sales For an Event: Best Advice From Experts

Assess if the service they are offering has what it takes to land clients that are willing to pay more money

The first thing businesses need to do is to assess whether their product or services compare to their competition. Next, companies need to rebrand their offerings to make them look valuable so that the price will be worth the proposed value. Once that is out of the way, they can now work towards building relationships with their leads.

Create a good reputation in online communities and groups

Companies can figure out what communities and groups are relevant to the audience they are targeting as they build their ideal customer profile. Once they have entered these communities or groups, they can focus their efforts on being noticed by members as someone who adds value to the community instead of just a simple seller.

Next, they need to create a reputation among valuable leads to close expensive sales. It can be pretty tempting to send out proposals to leads that fit their criteria – but keep in mind that this method might not end well. That is because while they have found a valuable lead, their lead is not yet sure that they have found the right company for the job.

People still need to see the company as reputable. According to experts, the three most effective ways to increase online visibility to customers are cold emails, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Facebook allows instant responses, while LinkedIn has a much slower pace compared to other social media platforms.

Similar to FB, Twitter also allows quick responses. Success is inevitable if companies use these three social media platforms to create a good reputation as an authority in their niche. There are also questions to ask consulting clients to ensure 100% success:

  • What do they expect from a service provider?
  • What are their needs?
  • Are they willing to listen to the company’s proposals?

Add more empathy to the voice

Convincing these profiles to convert is a lot easier with tons of empathy. Companies need to address pain points that are pretty common to both parties and explain how a particular tool or service solves the issue. Even in later stages of sales funnels, it is advisable to elaborate on how the company’s solution is the best one of their issues. It can win brownie points for companies, as clients are interested in their products or services and how they run their organization.

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