
How to learn a language quicker?


Do you want to plan for a dream assignment aboard and that requires you to learn a new language skill that you don’t have?Learning a new language may sound like an impossible task but experts say that you can still master basic communication in weeks. You can even understand the technical phrases that are necessary to have a good grip on when living in a foreign country. Since you are here, you must be looking for a way to learn this new foreign language quick. There are lots of ways to learn fast; such as:

Learn the right words

Since you are learning a new language, you will learn new words too. Before you get overwhelmed by seeing the difficult vocabulary of the foreign language, it is important to know that you don’t necessarily have to learn all the words of the language. Look for the flashcards of the most frequent words in the language you are about to learn. This will not just help you understand the basics pretty well, but also learn the language faster than you imagined.

What about grammar and vocabulary?

Grammar is important in all languages but think about how you learned English grammar? You didn’t start learning about it in the first go. In fact, you learnedgrammarnaturally by hearing the language.

Same goes for the vocabulary. It enhances when you hear new words. It is possible that you don’t know all the vocabulary in your native language. You learn as you hear other people speak.The point is, you learned grammar and basic vocabulary by experience. So, when it comes to learning vocabulary and grammar in the target language, you will learn it as you hear and speak it.

Find a study partner to stay motived

Learning a new language is not fun, especially when you know it is difficult. If you are not making progress fast, you might want to quit. To stay motivated, it is best if you learn with a language partner. We human beings are social animals and we like sharing our experience with others.  So, share your hurdles with a friend and they might help you overcome them.They will also be your constant source of support and encouragement.

Break down your goals

You must break down the big goals into small chunks if you want to accomplish anything. When learning a new language, you must break down the task. Instead of assigning yourself the task to read a book in German in a month, why not read one chapter a week? In this way, you won’t feel overwhelmed that you have too much on your plate.

Act like a child

Don’t be too hard on yourself when it comes to learning a new language. Just act like a child. You will be surprised to know that children are better learners than us adults. From acting like a child, imean is to accept your mistakes.You must also admit to yourself that you don’t know everything. Once you let go of your grown-up inhibitions, learning a new language becomes easier.

Step out of your comfort zone

You will never be able to speak a language well if you don’t put yourself out there. This can be scary I know but you have to start from somewhere. Talk to strangers in the target language and ask for directions. You will surely face some difficulties in the beginning but that is ok. Speaking the foreign language will help you feel it and get comfortable with it.


Before speaking, you must listen. If you hear other people speak the target language, you will be able to visualize how the words should be pronounced and then you can pronounce them right too. Listening also helps you in developing and understanding the accent of the new language.

Embrace your mistakes

Since you are just learning, you are prone to make mistakes so embrace them. You have to clear your head and get comfortable with the fact that you are going to mess up. You are not a perfectionist, none of us are. Mistakes should be taken as an opportunity to learn. So stop being embarrassed by yourself.

Learn the cognates

It is nearly impossible for anyone to learn a language from scratch. Let’s suppose you are learning French. You will find thousands of words in English that are spelled exactly the same in French. However, they are pronounced differently. So, tap onto those cognates to learn and understand the language faster.

Take the help of technology

Why not use technology to learn the target language quicker? Instead of English, set the language on your phone to the new language. You can also change the language in your browser. This will serve as a great learning opportunity. It is going to be your firsthand experience of typing and communicating in the new language.

Converse, converse, converse

Apart from classroom learning, the only way you can become good at the basics is if you speak the foreign language. You must be fluent in communicating and using the right words to get your message across and that can only happen if you are actually involved in a conversation. As awkward as it may seem, find real people with whom you can talk to in the target language to become better at it. This will also enhance your speaking and listening skills.

Make language learning unavoidable

Make language learning impossible for yourself to avoid. This can be done by establishing a study routine for yourself. Set reminders on your phone to practice learning or speaking the language. That’s because effective learning is not just about memorizing but acting upon what you have learned. Take self-assessment tests to figure out where you need improvement and how much.

If you really want to be good at speaking and understand the new language, just follow these tips. It may be difficult in the beginning but you will overcome the challenges and learn the language quicker than you imagined.

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