
How does a new mindset return profits for your business?


You might look at your business and wonder why you’re not where you want to be. You might think it’s due to your lack of funding, you’re inability to succeed in your role, or quite simply that things “just happen” to other people. But the truth is, it’s because you’re expecting new results from an old way of thinking.

You may be thinking of scaling or forging a new partnership for your business this upcoming financial year. Or maybe you just want to take one step at a time and let things unfold on their own. Whatever your business aspirations may be, if you haven’t taken this step before, you need much more than willpower to achieve your goals.

You need a new mindset.

Our mind is our ultimate tool to advance our business and skillset. Our minds are powerful, but they can also hold us back. Even if you’re not aware of it, there’s your present way of thinking that could be negatively impacting your output. Our programs aim to shift that mindset, activating your mind to bring out a better version of you.

In this blog, let’s explore some ways to cultivate a mindset that aligns with your business goals:

Mindset is the greatest asset for a business owner

If you ask any successful entrepreneur about their business journey, you’ll find a common element in their stories. A healthy mindset. One that serves their aspirations is healthy in times of failure and loss. But, as a result, also brings them closer to their higher self. When you have a self-serving mindset, you take every roadblock as a new opportunity to learn and build on yourself.

Unfortunately, many business owners get fixated on achieving their forecasted results too soon in the venture and judge their worth based on a few stray ‘failures’. These types of people have a rigid mindset that restricts them from taking their next big step. They are often:

  • Reluctant to come out of their comfort zone.
  • Afraid to take risks in their business.
  • Not ready to experiment with new things.
  • Uncertain about what’s ahead of them.
  • Unable to keep present and mindful.
  • Struggle to manage stress & anxiety effectively.

Do you find yourself in a similar situation? You could be missing out on opportunities to build a profitable business for you and your employees. Now is the time to focus on you and activate the true potential of your mind, ushering in growth and abundance.

Things you can do to devise a better mindset

Switching to a new mindset puts you on the path to success. Once you start to look from a different perspective, you’ll open the door to new and prosperous opportunities.

Below is a list of things you can do to develop a new mindset for your business.

1.    Log your wins – big or small

If you have a mindset block that makes you feel like you are not worthy of success, try to build awareness of the small and big ways you get things done.

‘I am successful in the present and future’. Use this form of affirmation to manifest positive self-talk. Recollect all the big and small wins you’ve had so far in your life. Your mind pays attention to what you are thinking, so pay attention to the quality of your thoughts. As a result, you will attract success and be more optimistic long-term.

2.    Permit yourself to fail

Your fear of failure holds you back from giving it your all. Shying away from making a big decision or trying something new is not going to help you grow into the person you want to be. The truth is, if you want to make real change, you’ll need to embrace your failures and learn from them.

3.    Perfection is a Myth. Chase Consistent Efforts.

No one is perfect, and neither are you. If you need everything to be done perfectly, you’ll always find yourself finding the negatives in every scenario. Always look for consistent effort rather than perfection, it will serve you better.

4.    Don’t compare your Chapter 5 with their Chapter 50

Stop comparing your journey with others. If you tend to view people as being better off than you or below you in a social hierarchy, you’ll always chase the dog’s tail. You are your only competition. Strive to be better than who you were yesterday.

5.    Practice Gratitude

Be grateful for what you already have, and this will manifest throughout your life, allowing you to get anything you possibly want. It’s easy to whine about the misfortune that happens around you, but when you start to acknowledge the learnings and positives as a result of that situation, you’ll recognise the shift in your mindset quickly.

What happens when you have the right mindset for growing your business?

Having the right mindset in business can serve you greatly, even when some days you seem to have run out of motivation or optimism.

It’s not uncommon for business owners to burn out quickly. If instead of labelling yourself as ‘insignificant’ or ‘not good enough’, you simply need to acknowledge what you’ve already achieved, rest and take the winnings into your next day. You don’t only wake up refreshed with a more positive outlook, but you’ll also be sparing yourself the drain of unproductive late nights in the office. With the right business mindset, even when there are setbacks, you’ll continue to find ways to keep moving forward, turning them into opportunities.

With a better mindset, you have further clarity on your business goals and make better decisions when there are setbacks. People with the right mindset see challenges as opportunities and failures as opportunities to learn. You’re also better equipped at becoming more adaptable to the changes happening within your industry. With this new mindset, you have the confidence to be authentic and show up as an impact-driven entrepreneur.

How can I help you bring the entrepreneurial uplift your mind needs?

Working with a coach will mean that you’ve got an expert to help you navigate your thoughts within your mind, just like you have an expert for your finances. With Leigh, you have someone who can hold the door for you while you make the biggest transition of your life.

Sign up today with Leigh Stafford, a Quality Mind™ Certified Coach and Mind Mentor who can help you develop a business mindset and bring further profits to your business. During the coaching program, you’ll learn:

  • How to manage your business growth with the right mindset.
  • How to hit your profit goals and create an action plan for getting there.
  • How to let go of your limiting beliefs and rewire your mind with a new belief system.
  • How to create a profitable business with clarity and a value-aligned mindset.

Our coaching programs start from $300; however, since everyone is on their own journey in life, we recommend reaching out through a discovery call to discuss your next steps. This helps us understand your unique requirements so we can place you in the right program for you.

All of the information on our programs are available on our website. Have a read through our offerings and book in your free discovery session today.

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