
How Can International SMB-Owners Balance Family and Business


Businesspeople running international enterprises often have problems handling their family and business affairs. They either spend a lot of time on business travels or on online communication with their clients. 

Whatever the case, many international SMB-owners neglect their families on account of business obligations. 

Even though this lifestyle may ensure a high income, it takes its toll on the family and social life. 

That’s why new SMB-owners aiming at international clients should plan their business and personal activities, as suggested in the rest of this article. 

  1. Adjusting working hours

Businesspeople working with international clients need to pay special attention to the time difference when they’re planning their working hours. 

Such entrepreneurs often have employees and freelancers in various countries, as well. These combinations only increase the number of variables that these SMB-owners need to take into account.

So, when you’re planning your working hours, make sure that one part of your workday overlaps with other time zones important for your projects. 

Let your family members know when you need to cover non-standard shifts at work. That way, they can plan their activities in advance. Planning your weekly and daily schedules a week or two ahead will help you spend more quality time with your family. 

  1. Automating business procedures

International SMB-owners need to optimize their business procedures to save time and assets. 

In line with that, it’s necessary as many operations as possible. 

Accounting is one of these business elements. Today, there are numerous accounting software tools that can help business owners track their payments, taxes, payroll, and overhead costs. Also, SMB-owners can schedule their accounts payable, invoices, and other important financial features. 

Some marketing features can be automated, as well. You can schedule sending newsletters or emails with special offers to email addresses from your email list. 

Moreover, automating social media posts and market segmentation is another practical marketing option for SMB-owners. Planning marketing features in advance is especially beneficial for international businesspeople because they can prepare their campaigns in greater detail. 

  1. Relying on online communication

When you have clients and collaborators in different countries around the world, your communication efficiency needs to be at the highest level. 

For starters, you should learn how to use online tools for video communication, such as Zoom, Skype, and some other popular video conferencing tools. If you have those several widely used solutions at your disposal, you can easily adapt to your clients’ and workers’ preferences. This saves time and energy that you can redirect to your family and social life. 

Apart from these tools, you should work with several online communication tools, such as Slack, Hangouts Chat, Microsoft Teams, and alternative options for online communication

International business owners working with different time zones shouldn’t underestimate the power of email. It gives you enough time to carefully read business letters and put together adequate responses. Also, there are additional features, such as Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Drive, which may be helpful in online business collaboration and communication. 

  1. Spending quality time abroad

Entrepreneurs running their business activities in different countries of the world should take their families on some of their business travels.

On the one hand, the quality time you spend abroad together will strengthen the family bonds and create some shared memories. 

On the other hand, your family members will see what your business looks like and why sometimes you spend less time with them. 

If you spend a few weeks abroad, you’ll all learn something new about the local culture and customs. 

Still, it doesn’t mean that the entire family needs to spend all this time together. Depending on the age of your kids, you might have them attend some local classes to learn the language. For instance, if you’re in the oil business and you’re traveling with your family to the United Arab Emirates, your kids can learn some Arabic. If you have younger children, you might want tocooperate with a nanny agency in Dubai to ensure proper care for them while you and your partner are at business lunches. 

The more quality time you spend together, the more memories you’ll cherish when you come back home. 

  1. Logging off for family matters

Businesspeople and entrepreneurs in general often don’t know how to log off when they leave their office. They keep making phone calls related to business or follow current activities in various business groups all the time. 

International clients have this inconvenience that many of their customers and collaborators are scattered around the world. Sometimes replying to an urgent request will save the day if there’s a business inconvenience. 

However, if you manage to log off once you shut down your computer and leave your office, you’ll have more time for your family and for yourself. You can play some fun games with your kids and your husband or wife. Also, you can work out, watch movies, or relax in any other way. Constant business communication on the mobile is tiring for the entire family and it usually doesn’t add quality to business operations, as well. 

So, go offline when you leave the office and switch off your mobile in the evening to get some rest and commit yourself to your family. 

Handling international clients and business deals requires a lot of energy and attention. But if you organize your time and routines effectively, you won’t have to spend days and nights using your computer and mobile. You’ll have more time for relaxing and run activities with your family, plus, you’ll get proper rest. By applying the tips from this article, you’ll lead a productive business life while staying devoted to your family. 

AuthorBio: Anne Harris is an HR specialist working for She recruits nannies, governesses and other childcare professionals, ensuring top-notch services for parents worldwide. In her free time she likes reading about education, and children’s welfare, as well as visiting sports events.

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