
Disadvantages To A ‘Normal’ Mattress


If you are on the hunt for a new mattress, you might be tempted to buy a second-hand mattress, or just go for the lower price of a ‘normal’ mattress that doesn’t sell you the ideal of all the bells and whistles that will cure your bad back in no time. When it comes to the manufacture of mattresses, there are some fantastic technologies being developed, and although you might not think you’ll benefit from them, you really, truly will, so put away the thoughts of buying a bog-standard, normal mattress or a second-hand mattress, and think about how life-changing it could be to sleep on a pressure relieving mattress or a dynamic mattress.

To discover the disadvantages of a normal mattress you just need to look at the benefits attached to a medical mattress, and you’ll see what a difference they can make.

Excellent pressure relief properties

The first thing to say is that a well-manufactured pressure relieving mattress goes a long way to optimal pressure redistribution. This is important for any individual who spends a lot of time in bed due to illness or injury (as in a healthcare setting or care home facility) but it is also important over time for every day, normal sleepers. A good mattress alleviates the pressure and pain on vulnerable areas of the body as you sleep, such as the shoulders, hips, and heels, lowering the risk of pressure ulcers.

Higher levels of comfort

The better the manufacturing process for a mattress, the more comfortable it will be. Enhanced levels of support and comfort are crucial in this process, offering an even weight distribution, and promoting better spinal alignment and overall comfort. This helps enhance the potential for great sleep quality, reduces pain and over time will greatly improve the mood and quality of life of the person using the bed.

Motion isolation

Medical mattresses and other mattresses of this nature are designed to prevent motion transfer. If you sleep with your partner, this means that if one of you moves around a lot in your sleep, the other person is less likely to be disturbed by this. It promotes a better overall sleep experience. This is invaluable to keeping relationships in good shape as well as your individual sleep patterns.

Great levels of hygiene and durability

A lot of medical manufactured mattresses and pressure relieving mattresses are designed to feature water-resistant covers or layers, protecting against accidental spillages and bodily fluids (a problem within healthcare settings). It also helps to provide greater durability and longevity, as the mattress is not as exposed to moisture and stains that can cause faster deterioration. 

Although you might be looking for a normal mattress or a second-hand mattress (especially for hygiene reasons), this is not likely to be cost-effective in the longterm. The problem comes with the quality when compared to a well-manufactured mattress and one that has been designed for various reasons, such as pressure relieving mattresses, mattresses for healthcare settings, and other types of dynamic mattresses. A ‘normal’ mattress just won’t last as long as these other types of mattresses, and the quality of sleep and comfort will not be on the same level.

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