
Choosing the Best Signage for Your Business


There is an expression in the business world that basically says, without advertising, nothing happens. Those of us who own or operate a business recognize the truthfulness of that statement. The more we put into our advertising, the more we are going to get out of it. Of course, there are many ways to advertise your business. Some of them involve putting ads on Internet websites, advertising on the search engines or mailing ads throughout your location. There is also something else that needs to be considered, and that is the signage you use for your business.

Choosing the proper signage is more than simply selecting something that you put up in front of your store or other business location. It is a beacon that can attract business to your location and do so, 24 hours a day. In some cases, it is there to point those who are looking for you in the right direction. At other times, however, it is branding your business so that when people do need you, your business will be the foremost on their mind.

If you are ready to choose the right signage to use at your business location, these steps can go a long way in helping you to do it.

Consider the impression – First of all, you need to consider what people are thinking when they first see the sign. Is it going to move them to take action or perhaps let them instantly know what your business is offering? In some cases, signs may be rather plain, and they can still be effective. When the right first impression is achieved, however, it can do much more than attract new customers, it can make your business stand out in a crowd of other businesses.

One important thing to consider when it comes to first impressions is how much information you’re putting on the sign. If you are trying to fit everything from your business name to your hours and even your mission statement, you are not likely to get far. Most people want to glance at a sign and they don’t take the time to read everything that it has to say. If you put too much information on the sign, you are likely to confuse anyone who reads it.

Consider the Colors – Do you have specific colors that are associated with your business or your logo? It would be a good idea to use those colors when you choose a sign. Consider the example of Reese’s cups. Take a moment and envision the color of the packaging. More than likely, you not only picture the orange color in your mind, you can even picture the specific shade of the color. That is due to the fact that they use color in the best way possible and they have even trademarked that particular shade of orange!

Nobody is saying that you need to go quite that far with your business, but can you use color to your advantage? People associate color with various feelings and it can even promote trustworthiness when they just glance in your direction. Make sure that the visual appeal of the sign is not only obvious, it is also working in the mind of the viewer on a subconscious level. It may take some forethought on your part but it is something that can go a long way in helping your sign to be successful.

Consider the Investment – Although you likely have many different business expenses, you should not cut back on how much you spend on the sign, simply because it does not always make an obvious impression. Signs are your window to the outside world and they are there for you 24 hours a day. It identifies your company and reflects your desire to help the community to get what they need. Don’t consider the sign to be an expense, consider it to be an investment.

Of course, there may always be different options that you can choose to include with the sign or choose not to include at this time. This may be associated with the lighting, as it can help your sign to work harder for you at night. The lighting is going to make the sign more expensive, so you need to decide if you’re going to invest in it now or invest in it later.

Consider Your Brand – There has been a lot of discussion about branding in recent years. When you are working in an area with competition, it is important that your brand stand out in the mind of your potential customers. A good example of how this works is if you own a local pizza shop. In order to attract people to your business, you may have a sign that shows a beautiful slice of pizza. Are you branding your business by doing it? Perhaps, but if people think about that slice of pizza and they automatically think about your business, you have moved the needle in the right direction.

Consider the Attractiveness – One other option that needs to be considered very carefully is if your sign is attracting people to your business or if it is simply locating your business. You want a sign to be more than just a place card that is installed outside of your business location. When people look at your sign, they should be attracted to your business and want to do business with you specifically. When you have a clean, attractive sign in front of your business location, that factor can be achieved.

Choosing the right signage for your business is obviously something that will take some thought on your part and learning signs 101. You can also get the experts involved and they may be able to help you with some of the more difficult decisions. After all, this is not something that most business owners do on a regular basis but when you use signage to your advantage and make the wisest choice, it can work for you for a very long time.

Katrina Manning
Katrina Manning is a passionate content writer – who likes to write on trending topics related to business industries.

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