
6 Ways to Promote Your Email Newsletter


Email newsletters are a great way of promoting your business and driving sales. They are an effective way of maintaining existing customers and drawing new customers in. Here, we list 6 ways to promote your email newsletter for the benefit of your business. For more information on email marketing and newsletters, click here: https://www.postmannewsletter.com/overview/why-use-email-marketing-software/.

  • Offer exclusive offers or content

The best way of enticing people to sign up for your newsletter is to offer something that they cannot get anywhere else. Newsletters are a great way of promoting your products or content, so therefore using offers, deals, or extra content to make people sign up to the newsletter is a great long-term strategy. It is much harder to gain new subscribers to a newsletter as opposed to keeping them as subscribers.

  • Numerous call to actions

Make sure that the option to subscribe to the newsletter is visible across all your websites and social media channels. Combining this with point 1, whereby you offer exclusive deals or content, creates an effective marketing strategy as possible subscribers keep noticing the benefits of subscribing to the newsletter as they browse through your internet content.  

  • Offer a taste

Another great way of enticing people to subscribe to your newsletter is to offer a taste of what your newsletter is like. Send emails to your mailing list containing a fifth of your newsletter with some exciting content or deals that are found within. This taste offered directly to the recipient will make them want to continue reading/watching.

  • Landing page forms

Many of your clients and potential clients will be clicking through your sites and creating accounts or signing up to different things. Adding a ‘subscribe to our newsletter’ field to the landing page forms will instantly gain results as many will sign up as they feel like they may as well, and others may not even notice they are doing so. This can mean that some may inevitably unsubscribe from your newsletter, however, there will be others who will view the content and continue to stay subscribed in the future.

  • Physical signups

For small businesses or those that rely on physical sales than virtual ones, getting your newsletter out to the public can be more challenging. If you have heavier physical traffic than virtual, don’t forget to promote your newsletter in your physical location and offer sign-ups there and then.

  • Thank you call to action

Those most likely to peruse your newsletters are returning customers. Your thank you pages are a perfect time to offer a subscription to the newsletter as customers have already considered your product/service worthy enough to purchase, so the likelihood of return in the future is high.

Now you have 6 great tips to effectively promote your email newsletter. This will boost your business’ sales and help maintain your clientele.

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