Online Marketing

Know all About Sponsored Blog Post in a Gist


A sponsored post is when the blogger gets payout to publish an article submitted by a blogger or sponsor, but it has one contextual link at least. Such articles are known as sponsored blog postsor post with a link.

The rising popularity of sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are getting more famous than a conventional link mentioned in the footer. Google constantly endeavors to battle links meant for SERP manipulation or SEO. Placing link amidst an article is tougher to explore as it seems to come up naturally. You can find link builders for a sponsored post placement.

A free sponsored blog posting

Often they convince you that it is for free, but it isn’t! Every time you place a link on your site, someone is making money. Make sure sponsored posts are rarely free so do not get fooled by these offers.

Does it benefit the bloggers?

Overall, this step towards sponsored posts has benefitted bloggers with regards to money. You can charge higher for a sponsored post in comparison to text link mentioned in the side bar. You can charge more because it distributes the link throughout your network. It will also be mentioned on your homepage under the section of new posts. There are a number of ways it will benefit the bloggers. It can increase web traffic too. When your content does well from a SEO perspective, then you will definitely see more visitors on your page. The quality of the content does play a vital role in this.

Who all write sponsored posts?

Usually such content can be written from anyone. It is you who writes it and it is you who can publish it. However, being the owner of the blog, any blog you are going to publish, you have all the right to decide who will write the article. If your blog has some personal preferences, then it is you who should write it from our viewpoint, then the sponsored post will your voice. A sponsored post seller doesn’t have any issue with this, unless they concentrate a lot on the SEO and wish to control the titles and content of the site. Also remember, that you can charge more if you write it on your own, as it require a lot of time from your side.

What’s present in a sponsored post?

A sponsored post isn’t a content advertising a product or service, it is an article linked to your site or keyword, basically in-line with your present content which has a link already in it. For instance, if you write a travel blog, then the article has to be on travel. Often you can request your readers for the topic of the article. When the readers feel a connection with the writer and site, you can increase webtraffic. With the articles going well, you will do well in the Google Page Rank and benefit a lot. Sponsored posts are a great way to get exposure to your site and genre.


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